Reserve a Room
We have three rooms in our coffee house building that are available for rent for your event. Rentals are made by the half day or full day. Requests that conflict with scheduled church events or spaces used during regular coffee house hours will generally not be considered. Also, we reserve the right to refuse reservations based on religious convictions.
The three rooms that may be reserved are the main coffee house room, the adjacent and smaller west room and the large east room.
West room—18 max occupancy. $40/4 hour block
Main coffee house room—50 max occupancy. $100/4 hour block
East room—70 max occupancy. $100/4 hour block
All food must be brought in. There are no preparation facilities in our kitchen. It is designed to be a drink-only kitchen. Our kitchen appliances are for coffee house employee/church member use only
To request a booking, write the details of your request to this email…
Once you have been booked, you must sign a contract with us (available for review on request) and pay for your reservation at least a week before your scheduled event. These steps can be taken with the coffee house employees on duty during normal coffee house hours. We accept credit cards, cash or checks made out to “UHBC.”